Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fever (may be high, to 105 degrees).

Signs and symptoms of pneumonia may mimic the flu in the early stages, ranging from cough and fever. Therefore, it may not be obvious at the outset that you have a more serious condition. Symptoms of pneumonia can develop gradually or rapidly. Signs and symptoms may include:

most common types of bacteria

Fever (may be high, to 105 degrees). Lower than normal body temperature (in newborns, the elderly). Cough (with or without mucus. Mucus may be greenish or blood spots). Shortness of breath. Fast breathing. Chills and sweating. Chest pain that varies with breathing (pleurisy). Headache. Pain in the muscles. Fatigue. Other symptoms such as nausea (nausea to stomach), vomiting and diarrhea. Sign and symptoms vary depending strattera dosage on age, type of sex cause infection and the general state of health. The severity of symptoms can vary from mild to severe. Symptoms can vary in extremes, such as age newborns and infants may vomit, fever or lower than normal body temperature, appear restless, sick or tired and without energy. They can not show typical signs of pneumonia. In addition, the elderly and people with weakened immune systems may be more and more mild symptoms, although disease can be difficult. Contact your doctor if you have: high fever. Chills. Cough with phlegm (mucous material) that persists or worsens. Shortness of breath. Fast breathing. Chest pain when breathing or coughing. Starting to feel worse after a cold or flu. Read more articles on.

About 10 percent of cases will continue to evolve



What is mycoplasma pneumonia? Microorganism Mycoplasma pneumonia may cause, although it can get infected with mycoplasma pneumonia

not necessarily developing pneumonia. What is the cause of mycoplasma pneumonia infection? Any contact with secretions (eg sputum) from

airways infected human risk of infection by mycoplasma >> << body. However, the close contact required for transmission, so >>

<< more common in members of one family and in schools and child care.

There's little point in isolated human virus infected >> << since some people carry the infection without feeling ill. Mycoplasma infection is most common in 5 to 20 years range

despite the disease is usually more dangerous in people middle-aged and strattera dosing elderly people. Epidemic occurs every three to five years. With mycoplasma pneumonia infection wants? dry, which can last for a week

slightly elevated temperature, although it should be noted that high

still be mycoplasma infection. About 10 percent of cases will continue to evolve

pneumonia. What the patient? The patient should consult their GP, if they observe any

above symptoms, especially if fever lasts more than a few days. Taking

painkillers such as

or can reduce the symptoms of fever.

Patient reporting breathing difficulties should be treated in the emergency room >>. << As a doctor make a diagnosis? The doctor will listen to your lungs stethoscope infection

produce strange sounds. This study, however, indicate

beneficial bacteria aquarium

no problems even with pneumonia actually. In the light

tend to confirm a diagnosis of mycoplasma pneumonia. >> << A doctor may also take

and check for mikoplazmu antibodies. You can also check the sputum DNA remains

mycoplasmas, but is usually not necessary. What is the prognosis? Infections should pass within a week if it is

pneumonia, in which case he will be present for several weeks. If the patient is otherwise healthy disease is

as dangerous as normal pneumonia and rarely leads to more serious complications.

How to mycoplasma infection treated? If the infection causes inflammation of the lungs it will be dealt with. Otherwise >> << infection should find themselves within a week. : What are the signs of pneumonia? : Find out what procedures. : This X-ray radiation is dangerous? : Find information on various drugs for infections. .

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zithromax for pneumonia

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I read how important it was with ted, i also read ...

Ted from Bangkok, Thailand writes: "10 + years sine my father's problem was cured by simply taking plenty of vitamin C taken for 2-3 months dose I prefer between 1000-3000 mg / day taken about a month . It is important to clear some mucus on their liquefaction, taking 500 mg of N Acetyl Cysteine ​​per day. Taking certain vitamins, weekly doses of vitamin E twice a week can help, too, one for control of mucus, the second is to increase the antioxidant protection of organism from weakened immunity. another to stay away from carpets, they are a source of fungi. If the carpet is clean or disinfect, spraying borax solution and hydrogen peroxide helps. It should podschelachyvayut yourself in his position, I'd be a little strong state of acidosis, so that it will be approximately 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon baking soda taken 2 times a day. better to take that formula with citric acid, for example, 1/4 teaspoon citric acid and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda if you can find citric acid! only body more alkalizirovano fungus can not grow. I found, and by trial and error that certain viruses, and possibly fungus lives deep in the system of the body, when some additives hard, in this case I also found that only BHT 2000 mg taken just 3 days completely stopped most of the sinus and mucus issue. But we must remember that not all microbes really kill any one of the supplements. But worth a try, at least for me. Some people I found almost non-existent level of iodine as a cause of chronic sinus. So, kelp capsules as iodine source of help, but it only takes a little time, by raising its own immune system. Zinc also helps the same, and adopted at a weekly dose of zinc gluconate 50 mg. For storms typical dose is one or two times a week for 1/8 teaspoon per liter of water or 1/4 teaspoon per liter of water, plus a few drops of hydrogen peroxide (about 10 drops 3% H2O2 per liter). In nasal irrigator best that is safe and is not disputed sea salt mixed with water. concentration of sea salt should have the same salinity as tears. Some people do add brown, but the superstructure is small enough, such as 50 mg in 50 ml. water, easily soluble, must be relatively small. If everything is dissolved, remove the part that does not dissolve. Finally, your best experience I have, at least for me, sinus problems

BHT, N acetyl cysteine, Borax, sodium ascorbate vitamin C and baking soda. best for me is the NTD, but again, I BHT to prevent avian influenza, probably some viruses now display the properties of avian flu from living in the brain and nervous regions, preventing the immune system from killing viruses. Viruse to evolve through the exchange of DNA between species that scientists called horizontal gene transfer. Try to avoid coffee, replacing them with green tea, UNSUGARED, and without milk. They have antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties of green tea may help sinus condition because they have antifungal properties too "

2005: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand writes:". My father cured his sinus problems by taking large doses of vitamin C for 1-2 months, I had the same problem and sinus vitamin C really works - .. it runs in the family, I think the Mayo Clinic several years ago conducted a study on sinus infection and its causes. It turns out that the vast majority of people who have had sinus problems fungal infection in the sinus. cause it appears that it came from the mold and fungus on the carpet. If you clean carpet or delete it, which could only help the problem. Also, drink diluted tea tree oil, thyme oil, could complement of blood purification field. Yes, tea tree oil (which is anti-fungal) in cultivation will help with sinus issues and one that produces the least irritation. product called Sinus Buster, is reportedly very good. Products patented and used diluted cayenne pepper put in sinus area. However, there are others that have similar properties, such as white oil of thyme, oregano wild (they are hot - ... so be careful) and eucalyptus oil Some people use colloidal silver and mix these with diluted tea tree oil and eucalyptus This oil is said to have worked well every time I have a sinus problem, I chew pure menthol crystals and breathe vapors out of my mouth and nose. It can also help your sinuses. My sister had allergy problems for nearly 10 years, and some sinus problems. This was treated with N-acetylcysteine. Vinegar is said to destroy fungi and have antifungal properties, so use a humidifier and air breathing in pure vinegar (5% acetic acid) can also help destroy the fungus. Ozone was reported helpful with sinus condition that it is used in combination with other materials reported here. Ozone destroys the fungus and sinus be released "

. *** Read Ted Big treating nasal sinuses. ***

02/16/2011: Mark from Las Vegas, Nevada replies: "Vitamin C is good for everyone (except natural)

I was healthiet period in my life. before. I have sinus colds, etc. .. Most of my life. 3 years ago after two consecutive sinus. I learned about urynoterapiyi. My sinusitis going to beat his chest in less than a week in the urine theapy. drinking, and in the net Pot. Since that time. I was very healthy, can only be a mild cold winters that get rid of in a few days, staying in urynoterapiyi. alwasy I noticed that if I took vitiamin C would continue ALWASY disease. Only once or twice using Emer____-C have not yet done so. But I do not like that formula too. I read how important was C I also read the formula from Ted mixing ascorbic acid with baking soda. I started in 1000 miligrams C with baking soda. and moved it. Every day I basclly really sick (of 10000-12000mg per day), which was what I was trying to avoid in the first place. As long as I was taking Vitamin CI could not recover. As soon as I stopped taking it I began to improve. 1) I believe that actualy made me get a flu symptoms. 2) I know that it gave me gas, boating and intestional problem. For all those people who read about high doses of vitamin C beer careful it can make you very unhappy and sick. And by saying that it was perhaps the healing crisis. Let me say that when you are 100% healthy, no complaints, feels good, a lot of this energy ... Why do I want or need healing crisis. In other words, I should He just was in C. So my lesson is, if it is not broke do not fix (does not mean that you can not take a step mainanance and health, but not, your body because of the crisis, if not required). And we all react differently. Of course C in moderation. But it's better to get it naturally from the fruit through bioflavinoids and your body will not have side effects "

03/18/2011: Pauline from Helsinki, Finland says:". This is not true that you can not overdose vitamin C and IT does not matter. T has no side effects, your immune system can only get stronger harmful bacteria in the kidneys, intestins and reproductive passages kill! And you can sneeze, as the effect of your body fights the infection, which is much Beter why not sneeze while the body is not fighting anything "

gram positive bacterias

04/08/2011: Sinussufferer from Chicago, Illinois, we meet" , Ted says use baking soda with citric acid and salt water (sodium chloride) solution - sodium chlorite:.: sea salt (sodium chloride) and microbe inhibiting properties. Better Alternative to suppress microbes sodium chlorite. Sodium chlorite is added to the packaged meat because of its ability to inhibit growth of bacteria. Acidified sodium chlorite is also used in Sinox produces chlorine dioxide, which is shown to kill a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, spores, yeasts, fungi, slime colonies, etc. dioxide chloride all this without damaging human tissue - .. sodium carbonate is better than sodium bicarbonate (food soda) mucus accumulation exerts pressure on the wall of the sinus cavity that causes pain when acidified, sodium carbonate helps loosen mucus resistant, thus relieving the load on the wall cavity and sinus pain relief food soda tends to be more irritating sinuses - ... ingredients should be mixed with lactic, citric and phosphoric acids that help maintain the pH of the final solution slightly acidic 6. 3-6. 8 levels. There are hi-tech nasal sprays are available that contain these substances in the correct proportions and ease the problems associated with sinusitis Regards "

04/10/2011: Alaskamidwife from Anchorage, Alaska, USA replies:" .. Just FYI, on super high doses of vitamin C. There are some side effects, it can strattera prescription weaken the chair. . Avoid the risk of early pregnancy miscarraige ".

If you take any medicines regularly, ask ...


Robert H. Shmerlinh, Doctor Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center It is true that you can not drink if you take antibiotics? My 23-year-old niece, Molly, asked me this question over dinner recently. Wine is filed. She took antibiotics for bronchitis. I heard the warning to avoid mixing alcohol and antibiotics from friends and family while growing up. But in medical school, I only heard in relation to a particular antibiotic, metronidazole (Flagyl). People who take metronidazole and alcohol can be very bad. They usually experience nausea, vomiting, palpitations and redness of the face. The effect is similar to drinking alcohol while taking disulfiram (Antabuse), medications for alcoholics to keep them from drinking alcohol. Which antibiotics cause problems with alcohol? Very few of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics are advised to drink. If you fill a prescription cephalexin (Keflex), ampicillin (Omnipen, Principen, etc.) or erythromycin (Erie-Tab, etc.), you may have noticed that there is no warning label on alcohol. Alcohol is firmly problems when mixed with a few hundreds of available antibiotics. In addition to metronidazole and its close relative, tinidazole (Tindamax), you'll regret drinking the reception:

furazolidone (Furoxone), antibiotic used for intestinal infections

Griseofulvin (Grisactin), anti-fungal drug that used to treat ringworm and other skin infections or nail

akryhin (Atabrine), older antibiotic used to treat malaria and lambliosis (intestinal parasites)

Given the millions of antibiotic prescriptions issued per year, these strattera prescription drugs are tiny minority. There are no specific warnings about some of the most frequently administered antibiotics: cephalexin (Keflex), ampicillin (Omnipen, Principen, etc.) or erythromycin (Erie-Tab, etc.). Alcohol and other drugs It is difficult to predict how alcohol can interact with medications you are taking . This may increase the effect of certain drugs while reducing the influence of others. Here are some examples:

warfarin (Coumadin, etc.) - acute alcohol reception

exacerbate the effects of warfarin and risk of bleeding. On the other hand, long-term alcohol consumption can reduce the effects

medicine. Phenytoin (Dilantin) - Drinking alcohol can lead to a lower concentration in the blood phenytoin, anti-seizure medication. This could reduce the effectiveness of the drug. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or codeine - sedating drugs such as diphenhydramine or codeine can add to the sedative effects of alcohol. Methotrexate (Rheumatrex) - a small risk of liver damage associated with methotrexate increases the potential damage to the liver associated with long-term alcohol consumption. How can so many different alcohol effects of drugs? Alcohol provides various effects on the body. Also, to be drunk, he may:

3 different shapes of bacteria

Reason comfort - it can add to the sedative effect of drugs. Compete on the enzymes that digest certain drugs - Drugs can stay longer in the body leads to increased concentrations in blood. Rev to the enzymes responsible for destruction of drugs - it can lead to lower concentrations of these drugs, which in turn may reduce their effectiveness and require higher doses to have an effect. Activating enzymes of metabolism of drugs that the chemicals that are toxic to the liver - This is true for acetaminophen (Tylenol and others). Regular use of alcohol and acetaminophen accounts in some cases of serious liver damage associated with paracetamol. If you take any medicines regularly, consult your doctor or pharmacist if it is okay to drink alcohol. You can get important tips to help your medication work better and reduces the chance of side effects. Bottom Line Dire warnings about the dangers of drinking while taking antibiotics, which are not based on facts. The idea that you can not drink when taking antibiotics is largely a myth. Of course, it is better not to drink while taking certain antibiotics. But is was a risk if you drink, taking most antibiotics. Always ask your doctor or pharmacist about possible interactions between drugs, including antibiotics, and your diet. While it may be difficult to support all the possible health effects of alcohol directly, the good news is that antibiotics can do much good if you take them as prescribed. Category:

Helicobacter pylori helicobacter pylori that?

HELICOBACTER PYLORI helicobacter pylori What? Helicobacter Pylori (H. pylori

) is a spiral form >> << bacterium that lives in or on the gastric mucosa. This results in more than 90 percent of the

ulcers are ulcers in the mucosa of the stomach or duodenum (first part

small intestine). By 1982, when this bacterium was found

, spicy food, acid, stress and lifestyle were considered the main

causes ulcers. As is now known that most ulcers are caused by infection with

H. pylori, they may be treated with appropriate antibiotics >>. << How common is H. pylori? About two-thirds of the world's population infected with H.pylori. In the United States, H. pylori

found more often in summer

adults, African Americans, Hispanics and low socioeconomic groups. What disease can H. pylori

reason? Most people infected with H. pylori

never have symptoms >> << or problems associated with this infection, but H. pylori

may result

gastritis (inflammation mucosa of the stomach) or stomach ulcers >> << or duodenum. About 25 million Americans suffer from ulcers. What are the symptoms of ulcers? The most common symptom is a gnawing or burning ulcer stomach pain >> << between the sternum and the navel. Typically, pain occurs when stomach is empty

between meals and early morning hours, but

This can also happen at other times of the day. It can last from several minutes to >> << hours and may be dismissed from eating or taking antacids. Less common symptoms include

nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. Sometimes ulcers can bleed if bleeding

lasts for a long time, it can lead to anemia weakness and fatigue. If

bleeding heavy, you may be blood in vomit or stool. Stool containing >> << blood may appear resinous or black. As the infection diagnosed? Doctors are several methods for testing of Helicobacter pylori infection >>. << Blood tests can determine if a person was infected by measuring specific H. pylori


Breath test can determine if H. pylori

is in the stomach the patient. In this test the patient receives a harmless substance >> << urea with carbon to drink. H. pylori

This breaks the urea and the carbon is absorbed into the blood and lungs, and

expired in breath. Putting this breathing, medical services may

measurement of gas and to determine whether bacteria are present. The doctor may also perform endoscopy, where a small flexible >> << device with a camera inside is inserted through the mouth into the esophagus, stomach

and duodenal ulcer look. During endoscopy, biopsies (tissue samples

) from the stomach can be obtained. Some tests can be performed

on these tissue samples to determine whether a patient is infected with H. pylori

. If H. pylori

cure? Persons of the stomach or duodenum, should be tested for H. pylori

and if found that the infected can be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics of new drugs for ulcers, treatment consists of one or two weeks

one or two antibiotics and drugs that reduce stomach acid >>. << This treatment is a dramatic medical advance because eliminating H. pylori

antibiotics means that more than 90 percent chance

ulcers can be cured forever. How do people become infected with helicobacter? It is not known how the bacteria enter the body and why some people with H. pylori

sick and others do not. The bacterium is likely

transmitted from person to person through fecal-oral route (when infected stool >> << comes into contact with hands, food and water) or oral-oral route (when

infected saliva or vomit comes into contact with hands, food and water). What people can do to prevent infection? Since H. pylori << source >> is not strattera 10mg yet known, recommendations for

avoid infection was not. In general, it is always helpful to eat

food that has been properly prepared and drink water from a source that is

known, clean and safe. Are there any long term effects of Helicobacter pylori infection >> <<? Recent studies have shown the relationship between long-term infection of H. pylori

and the development of gastric (stomach) cancer. Gastric

Cancer is the second most common form of cancer worldwide, it is most common in

countries such as Colombia and China, where H. pylori

<< infects more than >> 1/2 population in early childhood. In the United States, where H. pylori

rarely in young adults, the incidence of stomach cancer declined

since 1930. How can I learn more about helicobacter? Consult your doctor if you are worried about H.pylori. Although

knowledge about bacteria is incomplete, scientists are working to find

how people become infected, why some people develop symptoms and best treatment

is. (This was taken from the HealthBeat newsletter developed by the U.S. Center Disease Control and Prevention).

Zone of inhibition of bacterial growth ...

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Kenneth Todor, Ph.D.

In the past 60 years antibiotics, a crucial role in the fight against >> << infections caused by bacteria and other microbes. Antimicrobial chemotherapy was one of the main reasons for the dramatic >> << increase life expectancy in

twentieth century. However, pathogens that

become resistant to antibiotic drug therapy

growing public health problem. Wound infections

gonorrhea, tuberculosis, pneumonia, sepsis and childhood ear infections are just a few

diseases that are difficult to treat with antibiotics. One part

problem is that bacteria and other microorganisms that cause >> << infection amazingly resilient and have

, developed several ways to resist antibiotics and other antimicrobial >>. << Another part of the problem due to the increased

use and abuse, there are antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine >> << and in agriculture. In 1998

United States, 80 million prescriptions for antibiotics for human use >> << are filled. This is 12,500 tons per year. Animals and

agricultural use of antibiotics added to human use. Agricultural

practice has more than 60% of antibiotics in the U.S., so it >> << adds 18,000 tons per year to the antibiotic burden

environment. Currently about 70 percent of bacteria that cause infections in hospital

stable for at least one of the drugs most commonly used to treat


Some organisms are resistant to all approved antibiotics and

be considered experimental and potentially toxic drugs. Anxious growth

resistance of bacteria that cause community acquired infection was also documented

especially staphylococcus and pneumococcus (Streptococcus



are common causes of morbidity and mortality. In a recent study

25% of cases of bacterial pneumonia were

shown that resistant to penicillin, and another 25% were

resistant strattera 40mg to more than one antibiotic. Microbial resistance development, and economic incentives

was a result of research and development in finding new antibiotics

in order to maintain pool of effective drugs at all times >> <<. While the development of resistant strains is inevitable,

slack ways in which we manage and use antibiotics has significantly

enhances this process. If antibiotic resistance problems are defined as they appear, and actions taken immediately

to keep them, the society may face

previously treatable diseases that are incurable again,

a few days before antibiotics were developed. The history of antibiotics and the emergence

, resistance to antibiotics, the first antibiotic, penicillin, was discovered in 1929 by Sir Alexander Fleming

observed inhibition of staphylococci on agar plates contaminated

Penicillium form. Fleming

search for potential antibacterial compounds. He noted that the area forms

Penicillium notatum was grown on

plate containing bacteria and Staphylococcus

, around it form a zone where no Staphylococcus could grow. After more research, he was able to show that the culture broth

prevent mold growth

Staphylococcus even when diluted to the

to 800 times. He named the active substance penicillin but failed >> << isolate it. In the center of the plate with colonies

Penicillium notatum,

mold that produces penicillin. When you form colonies, plates overlaid >> << bacterial culture of Micrococcus

Sheiz which forms a yellow "lawn" of growth >>. Area << inhibition of bacterial growth surrounding the fungal colony where penicillin >> << extends Wednesday. Several years

later, in 1939, Ernest Cheyne and

Howard Flory developed a way to distinguish penicillin and used it for

treatment of bacterial infections during World War II. New product

entered clinical use in 1946 and had a tremendous impact on public health >>. << For these discoveries Fleming, Flory and chain were awarded

bacteria infections in men

Nobel Prize in 1945. Their discovery

Revolution and the development of modern medicine and paved the way to

development of many other natural antibiotics. Although Fleming

working on penicillin, Gerhard Domahk, a German physician, announced the opening

synthetic molecule with antibacterial properties. He called

connection prontozyla, and he became the first in a long series of

synthetic antibiotics or sulfonamides called sulfanilamides. Prontozyla

was introduced clinical use in 1930 and has been used to combat urinary tract

, pneumonia and other conditions. While sulfanilamidnye drugs in

often not as effective as natural antibiotics, they are now in widespread use

to treat many conditions. Gerhard was Domahk

awarded the Nobel Prize in 1939 for opening prontozyla. In 1946, penicillin became

usually to treat bacterial infections, especially caused by >>

<< to staphylococci and streptococci. Initially, the antibiotic was effective against

all kinds of infections caused by these

Gram-positive bacteria. Penicillin was incredible ability to kill


these pathogenic bacteria without prejudice to the host that fed them. It is important to note that a significant part of all human infections caused by these >> << bacteria (eg Streptococcus

throat, pneumonia, scarlet fever, sepsis, skin infections, wound infections, etc.

). In the late 1940s and early 1950s, new antibiotics were introduced, including

streptomycin, and tetracycline levomitsetin and age >> << antibiotic chemotherapy came into full being. These antibiotics are effective against

full range of bacterial pathogens, including gram-positive and

Gram-negative bacteria, intracellular parasites, and

TB bacillus. Synthetic antimicrobial agents such as >> << "sulfanilamidnye drugs" (sulfonamides) and anti

drugs such as para aminosalicylic acid (PAS) and isoniazid (INH), were << >> also brought << >> in wide use. Kenneth Todor, Ph.D. All rights reserved. - WWW. textbookofbacteriology. Net >>. <<

Ian a.

Qingping Xu, Sebastian Sudek, Daniel McMullan, Mitchell D. Miller, Bernhard Geierstanger, David Jones, S. Sri Krishna, Glen Spraggon, Badri Bursalay, Polat Abdubek, Claire Acosta, Eileen Ambing, Tamara Astakhov, Herbert L. Axelrod, Dennis Carlton, Jonathan Caruthers, Xiu-yu Chiu, Thomas Clayton, Marc C. Deller strattera, Lian Duan, Ilva Elias, Marc-Andre ™ Elsliger, Julie Feuerhelm, Slawomir K. Grzechnik, Joanna Hale, Guy won Han, Justin Hauhen, Lukasz Jaroszewski, Kevin K. Jin, Heath E. Klokov, Mark W. Knut, Peter Kozbial, Abhinav Kumar, David Marciano, Andrew T. Morse Edward Nigoghossian, Linda Okach, Silvya Oommachen, Jessica Paulsen, Ron Reyes, Christopher L. Rayf, Christina V. Trout, Henry van den Bedem, Dan Weeks, Aprilfawn white , Guenter Wolf, Chloe Zubieta, Keith O. Hodgson, John Vuli, Ashley M. Deacon, Adam Godzik, Scott A. Lesley,

2 types of bacteria

Ian A. Wilson.