What is mycoplasma pneumonia? Microorganism Mycoplasma pneumonia may cause, although it can get infected with mycoplasma pneumonia
not necessarily developing pneumonia. What is the cause of mycoplasma pneumonia infection? Any contact with secretions (eg sputum) from
airways infected human risk of infection by mycoplasma >> << body. However, the close contact required for transmission, so >>
<< more common in members of one family and in schools and child care.
There's little point in isolated human virus infected >> << since some people carry the infection without feeling ill. Mycoplasma infection is most common in 5 to 20 years range
despite the disease is usually more dangerous in people middle-aged and strattera dosing elderly people. Epidemic occurs every three to five years. With mycoplasma pneumonia infection wants? dry, which can last for a week
slightly elevated temperature, although it should be noted that high
still be mycoplasma infection. About 10 percent of cases will continue to evolve
pneumonia. What the patient? The patient should consult their GP, if they observe any
above symptoms, especially if fever lasts more than a few days. Taking
painkillers such as
or can reduce the symptoms of fever.
Patient reporting breathing difficulties should be treated in the emergency room >>. << As a doctor make a diagnosis? The doctor will listen to your lungs stethoscope infection
produce strange sounds. This study, however, indicate

no problems even with pneumonia actually. In the light
tend to confirm a diagnosis of mycoplasma pneumonia. >> << A doctor may also take
and check for mikoplazmu antibodies. You can also check the sputum DNA remains
mycoplasmas, but is usually not necessary. What is the prognosis? Infections should pass within a week if it is
pneumonia, in which case he will be present for several weeks. If the patient is otherwise healthy disease is
as dangerous as normal pneumonia and rarely leads to more serious complications.
How to mycoplasma infection treated? If the infection causes inflammation of the lungs it will be dealt with. Otherwise >> << infection should find themselves within a week. : What are the signs of pneumonia? : Find out what procedures. : This X-ray radiation is dangerous? : Find information on various drugs for infections. .
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