Ted from Bangkok, Thailand writes: "10 + years sine my father's problem was cured by simply taking plenty of vitamin C taken for 2-3 months dose I prefer between 1000-3000 mg / day taken about a month . It is important to clear some mucus on their liquefaction, taking 500 mg of N Acetyl Cysteine per day. Taking certain vitamins, weekly doses of vitamin E twice a week can help, too, one for control of mucus, the second is to increase the antioxidant protection of organism from weakened immunity. another to stay away from carpets, they are a source of fungi. If the carpet is clean or disinfect, spraying borax solution and hydrogen peroxide helps. It should podschelachyvayut yourself in his position, I'd be a little strong state of acidosis, so that it will be approximately 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon baking soda taken 2 times a day. better to take that formula with citric acid, for example, 1/4 teaspoon citric acid and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda if you can find citric acid! only body more alkalizirovano fungus can not grow. I found, and by trial and error that certain viruses, and possibly fungus lives deep in the system of the body, when some additives hard, in this case I also found that only BHT 2000 mg taken just 3 days completely stopped most of the sinus and mucus issue. But we must remember that not all microbes really kill any one of the supplements. But worth a try, at least for me. Some people I found almost non-existent level of iodine as a cause of chronic sinus. So, kelp capsules as iodine source of help, but it only takes a little time, by raising its own immune system. Zinc also helps the same, and adopted at a weekly dose of zinc gluconate 50 mg. For storms typical dose is one or two times a week for 1/8 teaspoon per liter of water or 1/4 teaspoon per liter of water, plus a few drops of hydrogen peroxide (about 10 drops 3% H2O2 per liter). In nasal irrigator best that is safe and is not disputed sea salt mixed with water. concentration of sea salt should have the same salinity as tears. Some people do add brown, but the superstructure is small enough, such as 50 mg in 50 ml. water, easily soluble, must be relatively small. If everything is dissolved, remove the part that does not dissolve. Finally, your best experience I have, at least for me, sinus problems
BHT, N acetyl cysteine, Borax, sodium ascorbate vitamin C and baking soda. best for me is the NTD, but again, I BHT to prevent avian influenza, probably some viruses now display the properties of avian flu from living in the brain and nervous regions, preventing the immune system from killing viruses. Viruse to evolve through the exchange of DNA between species that scientists called horizontal gene transfer. Try to avoid coffee, replacing them with green tea, UNSUGARED, and without milk. They have antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties of green tea may help sinus condition because they have antifungal properties too "
2005: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand writes:". My father cured his sinus problems by taking large doses of vitamin C for 1-2 months, I had the same problem and sinus vitamin C really works - .. it runs in the family, I think the Mayo Clinic several years ago conducted a study on sinus infection and its causes. It turns out that the vast majority of people who have had sinus problems fungal infection in the sinus. cause it appears that it came from the mold and fungus on the carpet. If you clean carpet or delete it, which could only help the problem. Also, drink diluted tea tree oil, thyme oil, could complement of blood purification field. Yes, tea tree oil (which is anti-fungal) in cultivation will help with sinus issues and one that produces the least irritation. product called Sinus Buster, is reportedly very good. Products patented and used diluted cayenne pepper put in sinus area. However, there are others that have similar properties, such as white oil of thyme, oregano wild (they are hot - ... so be careful) and eucalyptus oil Some people use colloidal silver and mix these with diluted tea tree oil and eucalyptus This oil is said to have worked well every time I have a sinus problem, I chew pure menthol crystals and breathe vapors out of my mouth and nose. It can also help your sinuses. My sister had allergy problems for nearly 10 years, and some sinus problems. This was treated with N-acetylcysteine. Vinegar is said to destroy fungi and have antifungal properties, so use a humidifier and air breathing in pure vinegar (5% acetic acid) can also help destroy the fungus. Ozone was reported helpful with sinus condition that it is used in combination with other materials reported here. Ozone destroys the fungus and sinus be released "
. *** Read Ted Big treating nasal sinuses. ***
02/16/2011: Mark from Las Vegas, Nevada replies: "Vitamin C is good for everyone (except natural)
I was healthiet period in my life. before. I have sinus colds, etc. .. Most of my life. 3 years ago after two consecutive sinus. I learned about urynoterapiyi. My sinusitis going to beat his chest in less than a week in the urine theapy. drinking, and in the net Pot. Since that time. I was very healthy, can only be a mild cold winters that get rid of in a few days, staying in urynoterapiyi. alwasy I noticed that if I took vitiamin C would continue ALWASY disease. Only once or twice using Emer____-C have not yet done so. But I do not like that formula too. I read how important was C I also read the formula from Ted mixing ascorbic acid with baking soda. I started in 1000 miligrams C with baking soda. and moved it. Every day I basclly really sick (of 10000-12000mg per day), which was what I was trying to avoid in the first place. As long as I was taking Vitamin CI could not recover. As soon as I stopped taking it I began to improve. 1) I believe that actualy made me get a flu symptoms. 2) I know that it gave me gas, boating and intestional problem. For all those people who read about high doses of vitamin C beer careful it can make you very unhappy and sick. And by saying that it was perhaps the healing crisis. Let me say that when you are 100% healthy, no complaints, feels good, a lot of this energy ... Why do I want or need healing crisis. In other words, I should He just was in C. So my lesson is, if it is not broke do not fix (does not mean that you can not take a step mainanance and health, but not, your body because of the crisis, if not required). And we all react differently. Of course C in moderation. But it's better to get it naturally from the fruit through bioflavinoids and your body will not have side effects "
03/18/2011: Pauline from Helsinki, Finland says:". This is not true that you can not overdose vitamin C and IT does not matter. T has no side effects, your immune system can only get stronger harmful bacteria in the kidneys, intestins and reproductive passages kill! And you can sneeze, as the effect of your body fights the infection, which is much Beter why not sneeze while the body is not fighting anything "

04/08/2011: Sinussufferer from Chicago, Illinois, we meet" , Ted says use baking soda with citric acid and salt water (sodium chloride) solution - sodium chlorite:.: sea salt (sodium chloride) and microbe inhibiting properties. Better Alternative to suppress microbes sodium chlorite. Sodium chlorite is added to the packaged meat because of its ability to inhibit growth of bacteria. Acidified sodium chlorite is also used in Sinox produces chlorine dioxide, which is shown to kill a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, spores, yeasts, fungi, slime colonies, etc. dioxide chloride all this without damaging human tissue - .. sodium carbonate is better than sodium bicarbonate (food soda) mucus accumulation exerts pressure on the wall of the sinus cavity that causes pain when acidified, sodium carbonate helps loosen mucus resistant, thus relieving the load on the wall cavity and sinus pain relief food soda tends to be more irritating sinuses - ... ingredients should be mixed with lactic, citric and phosphoric acids that help maintain the pH of the final solution slightly acidic 6. 3-6. 8 levels. There are hi-tech nasal sprays are available that contain these substances in the correct proportions and ease the problems associated with sinusitis Regards "
04/10/2011: Alaskamidwife from Anchorage, Alaska, USA replies:" .. Just FYI, on super high doses of vitamin C. There are some side effects, it can strattera prescription weaken the chair. . Avoid the risk of early pregnancy miscarraige ".
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